Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pros And Cons To Convection O

L'Aquila, an abandoned city!

E 'on Sunday, equipped with a helmet construction and hiking shoes I join a group blog and m'inoltro sketcher in the Red Eagle.
delayed arrival at first and then I'm not with the group.
Way to a ghost town, abandoned and destroyed. Suffering.
There is an eerie silence. Looking around, the rubble of the houses, I see pieces of other people's lives. I got a shiver down my spine. In the ruins there are still personal items ...
While I'm on the square to draw and take pictures, watch a very touching scene.
A local woman has entered the red zone, but invite the soldiers to leave.
"I just want to see my house, why not make me go!" "Because they can?" (Referring to us). I feel the suffering of this woman, and I can not do anything! Maybe if they did at least go for a moment. If gave the opportunity to contemplate a piece of life that no longer exists! To cry, if necessary. If this is then used to go on ...
Then I'm talking with the person who is accompanying us. It has the melancholy in his eyes. He tells us how it was before the life in those parts: Remember all the details, details. I listen and I would talk for hours. We are all visitors
silence, listening with respect and with a heavy heart compassion. We feel the anger of Aquilani, anger grows within us. Aquilani's cover every day life that does not belong to him anymore, not the slightest trace of the reconstruction, and those who have the strength to rebuild, are blocked by red tape and power plays. Who administers it has even the courage to seize a wheelbarrow to those who have more, if not the desire to react.
Then comes lunch time. We were welcomed into a small bar, unprepared for the arrival of such agent. Yet they made us sit down. We have prepared an excellent starter, with what they had available. They did the "multiplication of bread and fish." They treated us with very much respect! Before I asked them to go away: "What can we do for you?"
They said, tell everyone what you saw. Tell that to the neighbors. Do we know how. And when you ask "How are the tort," say "You can not complain." In the sense that they can not even protest.
salute them with love and serenity in the heart.
The promise is to return, even more with our notebooks and cameras! Of course we do! Matilda


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