Sunday, December 5, 2010

Linsey Mckenzie Yahoo

street children and Bikila

Humming "The bar of Anger" by Mannarino, I discovered the works of Ubaldo Bosello.
look like snapshots of moments in which sparse dimension real and fantasy, adventure, the dream .....

But bring all that is else is evening and the sunset
nun me I look ndietro ... er look at the wind. Four children have
nastronave with
NpO de trash near the nerds, under
behind the walls where else and see if nun Naria
very dark.
But look how carefully co
if you are the imagination of stavventura
Me mozzicate lips
me cradle my legs are trembling from fear
then I stop and think:
but that is pretty good rip *...

(* refers to life - text by A. Mannarino)

She .... this is another history ....


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