Friday, March 11, 2011

Coconut Oil For Butter Equivilent

"Tamara de Lempicka. The queen of modern" tomorrow, March 11, to July 10 the Vittoriano Complex in Rome houses an exhibition of more 'complete ever made artist better known and loved the Deco period, instances of modernist symbol of the Twenties and Thirties.


The exhibition, curated by Gioia Mori, art historian known internationally for his research on Tamara de Lempicka, presents 80 paintings and 40 drawings by Tamara de Lempicka, which retrace the artistic journey of the "Queen of the modern" 50 vintage photographs - some of which are new - document the "character" Tamara, almost always portrayed as a '30s movie star, two films of the Thirties Lempicka which lies in front of the camera, 13 paintings by Polish artists who attend 'in France and Warsaw describe the relationship with the contemporary art of his country. The exhibition, which comes under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, and 'promoted by the Ministry of Heritage and Activities' Culture, in collaboration with the participation of Roma Capitale - Department of Cultural Affairs and Communications - of the Province of Rome - Bureau and Department of Political Culture -, the Lazio Region - Chair and Department of Culture, Arts and Sport - with the support of the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Institute for the History of the Risorgimento Italian. The review and 'organized and carried out by Communicate Organizing Alessandro Nicosia. The exhibition features the collaboration and support of major European museums and American, as the National Museum in Warsaw, the Museum Malraux, Le Havre, the Muse'e des Beaux-Arts in Nantes, the Muse'e d'Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne Me'tropole, the Blanton Museum of Art Austin. More than fifty private lenders (Europe, USA and Asia), including the Foundation Victor Manuel Contreras of Cuernavaca and Lempicka Summer in New York. Gioia Mori in this exhibition offers a new reading of the works of Lempicka, which originated from unpublished research that build from scratch the history of many paintings, documents of a link with hitherto unknown Prampolini, confirmed by the story of a painting in the exhibition, various works have never been shown in Italy, including the outstanding loan of five paintings from the collection of Jack Nicholson, an exceptional discovery, an important painting of 1923, Portrait de Madame P., previously considered lost, known only through an old black and white photos. The charm and eccentricity of character, communication skills 'of its figurative language have made the artist Tamara de Lempicka more' known and loved for the period De'co. Gioia Mori writes: "Back in the seventies to be that the global phenomenon that was already 'in the twenties and thirties, and tears to all fellow travelers dell'E'cole de Paris the title of" Queen of modernity,' " where "modernity '" is the invention of communications and marketing formulas that only a pop artist like Warhol - a great admirer of Lempicka - will know how' to apply with equal efficiency after several decades. The exhibition hosted at the Complesso del Vittoriano Lempicka explores the path from the beginnings to 1957, the year it was hosted in Rome in his personal gallery Sagittarius, and become 'indispensable for a correct account of Lempicka's artistic career: this , mainly due to the discovery of some important works of the twenties until now considered lost, the retrieval of important documentary sources that allow us to reconstruct exactly the presence of Lempicka exhibition between 1922 and 1957 and the response of the critics of the time, to understand the its communication strategy in Europe and the United States. "Tamara de Lempicka and 'a personality' complex never read one way: his stylistic and 'only because it' s also a continuous oxymoron. "Honorary fellow of the contemporary 'in an interview in 1932 reaffirmed its decision to" live and create in order to give both my life to my works the mark of modern times ", but then claims to love" the old Italian painting "and that his favorite painter and 'Cheese. A" innate taste contrasts, which indicates Magdeleine Dayot in an article in 1935 as a strong point of the art Lempicka: "This curious me'lange of extreme modernism and classical purity draws and surprises, and causes, perhaps the first to conquer all, a kind of struggle of the brain, where these trends so 'different struggle against each other, until the moment when the eyes will have 'grabbed the great harmony that reigns in these conflicts. " appunti-darte39/al-vittoriano-tamara-de-lempicka-regina-del-moderno


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